
Fight Night Conflict 55| Festival Hall, United States| Fistrage
MMA is a full-contact sport that allows people of all ages and genders to experience the excitement and adrenaline rush of a real fight. A fight is going to begin between two tough fighters, well- prepared, they’ll beat each other until the final bell and that's exactly what the two veterans will deliver in the ring of the United States. Conflict MMA is presenting you to indulge yourself in the Holy City Fight Night on the card of Conflict 55 on November 5, 2022, at the Festival Hall in Charleston SC. Get ready for this amazing adventure night. More specifically, the couples are about to head over to the 56 Beaufain St Festival Hall for the Upcoming Holy City Fight Night. MMA competitions have also become very popular around the world and even in the United States. A sporting occasion of MMA Fight Night at this level is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and we're praised for existing a part of this occasion which is going to be held in Charleston SC. Wendy Anundson will be on the top-notch by our side & beat her competitor in the ring. Women’s Flyweight MMA Title Current Champion of Conflict 53: Wendy Anundson vs LaNiesha Vinson will be in front of each other. These fighting events are occurring simultaneously on television channels all over the world. Practically, this has led to the global promotion of live matches concerning hand-to-hand combat.
Buy Tickets for Holy City Fight Nights So, if you’re also wondering to order tickets online for this massive event, then you must visit the official site of conflictmma. Anyhow, this is going to be a great & entertaining all-hell MMA fight show. Wendy Anundson can rightly be considered one of the best fighters ever in the United States as she is the Winner of the recent fight on the card of Conflict 53. You can easily get tickets for the fight night competition from conflict MMA. The great MMA Sports event at conflict 55 will probably be held in your hometown on the 5th of Nov to entertain you to respect your moral values. Conflict MMA offers a variety of ticket options for the MMA boxing competition, so plan your next move to Festival Hall. The event is scheduled to attract several leading fighters from the region to participate in this event! The booking of the tickets for Fight Night has been started with a categorized price range between $40 to $1000.
Come out and see the conflict 55 fight card of the year in the Festival Hall, Holy City on November 5th, 2022.
Come out and see the conflict 55 fight card of the year in the Festival Hall, Holy City on November 5th, 2022. The Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) is one of the most prominent international MMA organizations. UFC has evolved into a global phenomenon due to its gritty rivalries between well-known fighters, Muay Thai fighters, wrestlers, and other eminent martial artists. All participants train considerably for their roles before competing in front of stadiums worldwide. An MMA fight involves using weapons, such as knuckles and limbs, in addition to hand-to-hand combat. Some of the best up-and-coming warriors in the region will be taking part in this event in the festival hall! More and more people are tuning in to watch live MMA events over the past several years as the sport has grown in popularity. It’s mandatory to understand how MMA became so popular and also learn what events are involved and where they take place. Most Fight Night MMA is a public event that provides competitions for various martial arts disciplines such as MMA, Kickboxing, & Muay Thai. There's exclusively so much to adore concerning this card with historic and incredible moments, and if you've never seen it before I guarantee you it's definitely worth heading out of your way to experience. So, get your heads over to the Festival Hall in Charleston, SC on Nov 5th.

What is Boxing & the Best Boxing Gyms near South Carolina USA?
What is Boxing
Boxing is a martial art and sport that involves two people attacking each other with hand and/or feet-based attacks. Boxing is an important part of a boxer's training regimen; the sport is quite popular worldwide and is also a regular fitness session in many schools and colleges. In addition, several fitness clubs are run by various boxing associations. All these factors contribute to the fact that boxing is a sport that is widely practiced and enjoyed by people of all ages.
Boxing is an extremely popular sport that can be practiced by anyone with an interest in the game. In addition, those who practice boxing tend to have higher fitness levels due to the rigorous training they do each week. As such, it's advised that those who want to practice boxing do so at a reputable boxing club.
These Boxing Gyms teach the boxers to learn how to fight effectively within a short period. They are also taught the importance of teamwork when they train. This is because boxers need to work together to execute fighting moves and skills. In addition, club members also learn to keep their minds focused when they box. This is because poor focus can lead to failure when sparring or during actual matches.
The Purpose of Boxing Gyms
Training like a pro is about structure, discipline, and a little versatility, it’s a class of workouts based on boxing reaction times. Learn the art of Tai Chi, head and feet movements, pocket moves, and mat moves to finish off with a great ab workout.
Boxing is undoubtedly one of the most effective workouts you can indulge in because it allows you to work out your whole body while having fun. So, take your strength, agility, and stamina to a whole new level after taking a boxing class in Fort Worth.
There are many boxing gyms that cater to different needs. Some gyms focus on teaching boxing as a child form of martial art while others are more focused on helping them become professional boxers. There are also different types of facilities available for young boxers and those who have already started their careers, this includes programs for juniors, amateurs, and the military, which help boxers develop into professional athletes.
Boxing Gyms are a Great Way to Stay in Shape
While boxing is physically and mentally demanding, no matter your skill level, there are gyms all over the capital, staffed with some of the best trainers in the world to guide you through the sport. From sleek new boxing studios designed for the Instagram generation to old haunts of some of the sport's legends, these are the best places to practice your jab and uppercut in the USA.
Boxing sport strengthens your lower and upper body as well as your core because they all have to attack when you hit the bag or your opponent. Most gyms also offer additional strength-training moves like squats, planks, push-ups, and weighted medicine ball exercises to help you get in shape faster.
A List of Boxing Gyms in the USA
In this list, I’ll share my top picks for the best boxing gyms in America for 2023. The United States is full of boxing centers such as New York City, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, South Carolina & many more. However, there are great modern boxing studios in every corner of the country.
If you're looking for a multi-purpose gym with decent boxing facilities, below is the list of gyms that offers different boxing classes at its various locations. You can learn the basics with Counterpunch classes, improve your gear with Gym boxing and sparring to branch out into Kickboxing and prepare for Muay Thai competitions by joining the Kickboxing Fighters Club. With several convenient locations and a wide range of classes, boxing clubs are the best in the lane. It's suitable for all levels, and if you think you're ready for the next challenge, join the battle between clubs.
List of Best Boxing Gyms Near South Carolina
CrossFit Gym - Columbia, SC
Carolina Boxing Club
Mayweather Boxing + Fitness Greenville, SC
Charleston Boxing Club, Charleston, SC
Rock Hill Boxing Club
Beast Boxing Myrtle Beach
Positive Circle Boxing Club - Greenwood, SC
Fluidity Boxing and Fitness Club - West Columbia
Light Bright Boxing
Battle Boxing Gym, Northway Rd, Columbia, SC
Curry’s Boxing Gym Lancaster SC
Brooklyn's Boxing Gym, Charlotte Hwy, Lake Wylie SC
XP FITNESS Gym & Personal Training - Hilton Head, SC
Team Punish3rs Boxing Gym, South Carolina (US)
Shake House Boxing Gym, Broughton Street Orangeburg, SC
Hankinson Boxing Gym, Aiken
Dyme Boxing & Fitness
Back Bay Boxing.
If you’ve understood the factors of boxing & boxing gyms then you must indulge yourself in the getup of a real sportsman. For that purpose, you must visit Fistrage; the best place to fulfill your needs according to boxing, martial art, & fitness products in the USA.

What are Martial Arts? Benefits, Importance & Its Types.
Martial Arts
So, what are martial arts? Martial Arts is a remarkably comprehensive term that retains numerous kinds of activities. Usually, we presume self-defense strategies are formed in and associated with Asian lands. In reality, though it includes exclusively any sort of battle technique, especially those that concentrate on hand-to-hand, and foot combat.
For many people, martial art is an integral part of life. Mostly, people practice martial arts as an artistic expression, a sport, a hobby, or a regimen for emotional, physical, and mental well-being. Skills learned in the analysis of martial arts can be applied to make you an impressive and well-mannered renowned personality; also in other aspects and relationships in life.
Martial Arts have been around for centuries & everybody also has an idea of what are Martial Arts. Most people consider it a dangerous activity of kicks, high jumping, & powerful punches however, it is much more than acrobatics and moves; I definitely agree that martial arts are so much more than kicking and punching. Basically, martialarts is the other form of sports skills which were originated as forms of attacks or self-defense such as Taekwondo, Jiu Jitsu, Karate, & Judo. Martial arts are much popular even if you click on any location on the map of united states of America. Most people evaluate it as a dangerous activity when they listen to anything about martial arts. So, let me just describe to you that it’s simply the form of sport games.
What Martial Art Requires?
Martial Arts require intense physical conditioning to fight at certain levels of the game & it requires massive muscle strength depending on the practice. There’s an entire spiritual aspect to these games; personally, I did Taekwondo for five years and I felt like a better personality & self-control generally in myself. I was stronger, more flexible, and had a better sense of perseverance and also learned life skills like self-defense, which will always be useful to keep in mind for the rest of my life.
Types of Martial Arts
Did you ever hear the phrases of any various styles of martial arts? There's far more than karate & kung fu. In fact, there are infinitely organized and systemized methods of combat being practiced in the world today. While some kinds are significantly traditional and steeped in history, others are trendier. Their approach to fighting is unique & remarkable, although there's a considerable amount of overlapping between the styles.
Aside from karate, kung fu, and taekwondo, few people know other types of martial arts. In fact, there are so many different types of martial arts today with each of them having a distinct fighting style. Some people, however, may not even fully understand what martial arts is. Read on to find out the moves and benefits each one entails!
There is a massive list of the branches of martial arts but we’ll take into your notice the famous ones. Different & the most renowned types of martial arts are given below:
Muay Thai
Jiu Jitsu
One of the most famous extensions of martial Arts is MMA (mixed martial arts), which is spreading rapidly day by day all over the globe. MMA is one of the most-renowned sports even in the US States because the popularity of mixed martial arts has evolved tremendously over the previous few years.
Importance of Martial Arts in the USA
Martial Arts holds its importance in the world but especially in the United States because it is one of the fastest growing sports games. According to the statistics, more than 3 million people who live in the United States actively participate in the field of Martial Arts every year.
The sport fights organized in UFC have evolved into one of the most exhilarating sports of the decade due to its rapidly expanding audience of supporters and millions of individuals are spending on watching martial artists fight at the highest level. Various aspects of martial arts have maintained their popularity among the people of the USA, by strengthening & energizing the core.
Because of its numerous benefits, it gives participants more freedom to move around. It has been reported that many participants have experienced improvements in flexibility, stability, and coordination, which helps reduce tension and even keep blood pressure under control.
Values & Benefits of Martial Arts
Martial Arts Can Teach Discipline
It’s obvious that martial arts are a key tool in building discipline which helps them grow into responsible adults. Having reinforced discipline through martial arts training, helps adults/kids make adequate choices for themselves. Martial arts familiarize everyone to digest knowledge, survey situations, and plan the best course of motion. It encourages you to develop quick rational thoughts which are practiced through training and sparring.
Martial arts for kids help to instill discipline in them via the gear, training routine, management of body movements, and consideration for the belt hierarchy. This allows children to develop more self-assuredness to be on the lid of their game in any condition.
Having control over your thoughts, responses, and emotions is extremely valuable, both professionally and personally. Hence, enrolling your youngster in a martial art class may be the solution to instilling discipline in them if they are troubled. Explore them with a professional Sifu (a skillful teacher in Chinese martial arts) that can teach them the great discipline to live a better life.
Martial Arts Can Improve Your Fitness
Martial arts also improve your flexibility rather than providing you with ripped & toned muscles. Your response time gets a boost, which is extremely helpful when you get into potentially hazardous troubles. Plus, this physical movement allows you for improving your flexibility and endurance. Martial Arts can help you improve your fitness & mental well-being.
Martial arts are a complete workout, you build stamina, strength, and flexibility and you also develop coordination and balance. As doing martial arts, your body becomes capable, more powerful, and more competent & you feel better physically. Your blood flows well to all the critical parts of the body more freely & you can also breathe better. Martial arts are a fun way to stay in shape & form.
Martial Arts Can Increase Your Self-Confidence
Martial arts training is a great way to develop a good sense of confidence. Many activities in diverse disciplines can take years to master because martial arts techniques demand thorough patience and attention to the fact. In the long run, however, students feel accomplished once they learn the techniques, resulting in higher self-esteem and self-confidence.
Exercises which are being done in martial arts can strengthen your body & challenges strengthens your mind. You can benefit from martial arts by learning how to bounce back from setbacks and the importance of not giving up no matter what you go through & how things get challenging.
Martial Arts Can Teach You Self Defense
Martial arts training teaches & provides you with self-defense skills and benefits both your body and your mind. If you ever find yourself in a threatening situation, you’ll have the tools and techniques to either diffuse the situation or defend yourself. Knowing that you’ve these skills are empowering, even if you never use them.
Learning self-defense techniques is also a great benefit of martial arts & many martial arts programs include self-defense classes. These classes teach students how to defend themselves in cases of physical or emotional abuse. Learning self-defense techniques can also help people negotiate; In short, learning self-defense techniques can dramatically improve a person's life.
As this article points out, learning a martial art can be useful for a lot more than just handling yourself in less-than-ideal circumstances. However, this is not to say that martial arts shouldn't be taken up for self-defense alone. Various aspects of self-defense can be learned from martial arts, including many aspects of self-defense.
Martial Arts Can Improve Balance & Coordination
There are many ways to train balance. Our balance is directly affected by martial arts, because they improve various aspects of our physical and mental capacity. The capability to maintain your body’s position, especially while moving and performing physical activities has multiple proven advantages. Certainly, it’s the perfect activity to improve your balance and much more.
Martial Arts Can Be Practiced Anywhere at any Time
You can practice elements of your martial art training or karate training just about anywhere at any time of the day. Practicing swordsmanship in a public park is less advisable than doing so in a secluded backyard where you’ll not appear threatening to anyone.
Acquiring skills in martial arts can be conveniently done in one’s home. There are some benefits to online training videos that are similar to those of in-person classes, but they do not offer personalized instruction that is necessary for success in online training. Even so, self-defense techniques can be still learned in an easy way.
The Olympic Games include judo, karate, and taekwondo, which can all be practiced up to a professional level. You can get a strong sense of community and respect too, so I got into the habit of always shaking my elders’ hands and being friendly to everyone, not just those I know. I was stunned when I learned about it, because everyone thinks martial arts come only from Japan and China, but basically it also relates to the Asian games.
If your children ought to indulge themselves in these games then you must explore the web by searching martial arts near me. And you must know that the training gear or martial suit carries the most mandatory value for taking a step in the field of martial arts. So, don’t be late to treat your kids with some best quality gear & accessories for their training in martial arts, boxing & more other sports by Fistrage, the most renowned martial arts store in the US.

What to Prefer When You Buy Boxing Boots?
Are you wondering to buy boxing boots for your upcoming boxing matches? Boxing is an intense, competitive sport that requires a lot of skill, strength, and dedication. But without the right kind of boxing shoes, you won't be able to land the knockout punches your opponents are expecting. Instead, you'll be limited in your movements and will be unable to generate the power needed to win boxing in the United States. As such, it’s imperative to buy a pair of high-quality boxing shoes that work well for you.
Boxing shoes are one of the most important and personal pieces of boxing gear equipment. Although it might seem easy to believe that boxing involves only punches, jabs, and upper body movements, this isn't true. The heavy moves are important in boxing, but your footwork is what sets it all in motion.
Moving your upper body requires exquisite grip, better traction & strength in your lover body to keep you stable with the ring floor. The best boxing shoes will allow you to move effortlessly and stay light on your feet. Your footwork is the basic key to boxing & the best pair of boots will help you move smoothly.
This is why you'll often hear boxers and coaches talk about their footwork being their best weapon. And coordinated footwork in boxing depends on shoes that don't slow down your performance. When it comes to boxing, lower body movement matters just as much as the upper. Boxing requires proper lower body movement. It’s inconceivable to neglect the importance of quality footwear when it comes to those who take their boxing profession seriously.
Why Boxing Shoes are Important?
Boxing requires good footwork because it’s all about the game of your lower body. If you don't move your feet quickly and properly, you’ll struggle in the ring. Your opponent will be more likely to hit you. Boots boxing is therefore crucial because weight and grip can make or break a match.
Take a look at any professional boxing match, and you’ll see that footwork is almost as important as hand speed while punching. No matter what level of boxing you want to play at, lightweight boxing shoes will help you excel in the ring.
Your footwork in training is important as it’ll directly translate to live fighting. Even if your goal is to train to be fitter, the right footwork will help you get more power into your punches and improve your training results. These are the reasons why Boxing Shoes have become so important.
The Best Boxing Shoes 2022
The right kind of boxing shoes can support the foot and help a boxer land the knockout punch. But in a world where it seems like everyone is selling the latest and greatest pairs of boxing shoes, it can be hard to know which a pair of shoes to buy. This is where our guide comes in. We've scoured the market, tested pairs from top brands, and narrowed down the best boxing shoes 2022 based on quality, value, and performance with the surprisingly lowest price.
Fistrage boxing shoes
Here we’ll discuss today about Low-Top & High Top boxing shoes by Fistrage, a well renowned boxing store in us, which’ll help you improve your game in and out the ring. Without them, you won't be able to move in and out of the ring as quickly or as efficiently as you need to in order to generate enough power. Fistrage boxing shoes are made with shock absorption technologies to help reduce the impact of each punch so that you won’t get injured while you’re training.
After deep research, we’ve narrowed down the importance/features of boxing shoes by Fistrage. As a rule of thumb, if you get the higher shoe, the more support you'll get. In general, our recommendation is to prefer a high-top shoe if you're prone to leg injuries. However, if you prefer more freedom while moving, go with Low Top boxing shoes. It all depends on the size of your ankles and calves.
We’ve compiled a list below some reasons to prefer when you buy boxing boots to help you step up your game:
Synthetic overlays add durability & support
Elasticated Velcro closure
Comfortable padded tongue
Comfortable shoes will help you move smoothly
Moldable sole support
High-quality machine stitching
Top-quality material
Comfy Inner mesh lining
Proper Size
Lightweight to Enhance the Performance
Ventilation system
Anti-Sweat, Soft, & comfy inner rubber sole
Breathable synthetic mesh
Durable original Amara leather
Padding around the ankle enhance support
Impressive design & Color
Non-Slip/ PU Sole
Polyester Laces variation for a custom fit
Buying Guide
Sport games like boxing are among the most popular in the world. Much of the boxing shoe market is dominated by a few brands, so it’s important to do your research and find the right pair of boxing shoes for you. picking the right pair isn't always easy. You need to find a pair that fits well and is made with the highest-quality materials, but you also want to make sure that the price is within your financial reach. But which features should you look for when selecting the best boxing shoes?
Material & Quality
The material affects the quality of the product, and the durability too. If you want to use your best boxing footwear for a long time, then you should invest in a product with high-quality material. You don't have to choose the most expensive product to have the best material. Sometimes you can find a great product with the best material at a reasonable price.
That’s why it’s so important to choose a product with high-quality material. You’ll feel the difference and will be satisfied with your choice. It's worth investing money in better material because it’ll provide you with better comfort, durability, and performance.
Protection features of boxing shoes have a direct impact on the performance of the boxer. Your boxing shoes should provide you with the right amount of protection with cushioning, support, and flexibility to help you perform your best during your next match.
Some of the shoes will also come with additional features such as a slip-resistant sole to help keep you from falling while boxing and toe guards to protect your toes from getting injured. They’ll also have a variety of other protection features such as ankle and foot protection, which’ll keep you safe and help you perform better in your next boxing match.
Comfort is an important factor when selecting a pair of boxing shoes. Most boxing shoes today have a combination of comfort features that include breathability and shock-absorption to prevent injuries. In order to keep your feet comfortable, boxing shoes should have breathability & support with good traction. Choose the boxing shoe that’s long-lasting and comfortable, but also that provides support and helps you avoid blisters.
The right shoes will also provide you with the breathability composition you need to keep your feet comfortable and cool during a long training session or a tough fight. The right boxing shoes can make or break your workout. While there are many factors to consider, one of the most important is the product’s breathability composition.
Choose the right pair, and you’ll increase the intensity of your training session and improve your performance in the ring. This allows your feet to remain cool, preventing injuries such as heat exhaustion.
Boxing Shoes with proper sizing should have the ability to lock your feet in place, to help ensure that your feet do not move while you are boxing. The right combination of style, fit, and comfort can make a world of difference in how your fight goes.
If the shoe’s sizing is off, you’ll experience discomfort, blisters, and poor performance. The shoes with proper sizing matter the most, so always choose the shoes that fit well to your feet without a hassle, but also give you the support you need in the most strategic way possible.
The best boxing shoes will also come in a variety of styles to ensure you can find something that looks good and suits your needs. They also make a difference in the aesthetics of your boxing style, giving you the stylish look, you want without compromising on the performance.
The best boxing shoes can give you a competitive edge in the boxing ring, but they cost a lot of money to some shoe stores. If you’re on a budget, you may be tempted to save money and buy a cheap but great quality pair of boxing shoes instead. Mostly cheap boxing shoes won’t give you the same performance as a high-quality pair. But it’s become possible now to get the high-quality boxing shoes by Fistrage at insanely reasonable prices. They are also lightweight and breathable so that you can train and play harder without getting tired or heat-stroked.
Choosing the right boxing shoes can have a significant impact on your speed and agility in the ring, while your boxing gloves are an essential piece of boxing equipment.
Get a pair of Low-Top boxing shoes or High-Top boxing shoes by Fistrage and you will be getting an advantage over the competition. These are the fistrage training shoes for training that will offer you all the essential comfort and features that you need if you are looking to have a great workout.
They are very comfortable, and so far, have performed well for me in terms of the fit. They are also lighter than other shoes I have been wearing. So, no need to research further products just buy them now by Fistrage. products just buy them now by Fistrage.

Fight Night Conflict 53
Fight Night Conflict 53| United States| Fistrage
When people hear the word “mixed martial arts,” they may think of a popular brand of athletic clothing, or they may think of a brutal form of combat. The truth is that mixed martial arts (MMA) is a sport involving fighting with hand-to-hand weapons and other implements, such as knuckles and limbs. The rules vary from organization to organization— but most include weight classes, timed rounds and referee stops. Some organizations allow kicks, while others do not. Essentially, MMA has grown tremendously in popularity over the past several years, as more and more people tune in to watch them during a live event.
To understand how MMA became so popular, it’s important to know what events are involved and where they take place. Most Fight Night MMA are public events that are open to anyone from age 16 and older. People must buy tickets online before they can attend these programs— and the tickets usually cost between $10 to $200 by category. These events provide competitions for various martial arts disciplines such as MMA, Kickboxing, & Muay Thai. The end result is a winner based on which martial artist successfully executes her game plan the best during her matches.
Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) is one of the most prominent international MMA organizations. UFC has become an international sensation due to its gritty feuds between well-known boxers, Muay Thai fighters, wrestlers, and other renowned martial artists. All participants train extensively for their roles before competing in front of stadiums worldwide.
MMA competitions have also become very popular even in the United States; syndicated television programs air regularly throughout the world at prime-time hours. There are also online streaming services where people from around the world can tune in at any time to watch live competitions from different organizations or different parts of the country.
These events are occurring simultaneously on television channels all over the world. Essentially, this has led to the global promotion of live competitions involving hand-to-hand combat by corporations desiring an international market for their products and services.
Although MMA received a bad reputation in its early years after being featured in controversial films like Rocky III and The Karate Kid Part II, today’s programs show how much violence is controlled nowadays when athletes follow strict rules regarding legal blows and illegal holds. It’s important to note that although MMA has gained popularity among both casual fans and professional athletes alike, it’s still not as popular as other popular sports like American football or baseball. It remains to be seen whether MMA will continue to grow in popularity over time— but if it does, it will likely be due to its ability to promote a complex set of moral values while maintaining an entertaining spectacle for fans worldwide that are receptive to these values.
The great fight night event conflict 53 will probably be held in your hometown on the 27th of Aug to entertain you to respect your moral values. Usually, these types of events are organized to live the distinguished values of MMA Sports. Everybody is eventually exploring the best site to buy tickets for the event.
So, if you are also wondering to order tickets online for this massive event, then you must visit the official site of conflictmma to support your favorite player in the ring. Anyhow, this is going to be a great & entertaining as an all-hell fight show. Wendy Anundson can rightly be considered one of the best fighters ever holding 126th ranked of 849 active United States women.
A number of the region's best up-and-coming fighters are scheduled to participate in this event at Festival Hall! Tickets are moving quickly for this tremendous event with a categorized price range between $40 to $125, & the tickets for VIP Tables are already sold out.
There's just so much to love about this card with historic and awesome moments, and if you've never seen it before I assure you it's definitely worth going out of your way to experience. So, get your heads over to the Festival Hall in Charleston, SC on Aug 27th. During this event, you might be inspired & motivated to be like such players or want your kids to be like them. But you need the training gear that Fistrage offers if you want to achieve those goals.